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Twerking and Other Interesting Insights gained through Community Based Learning

150 150 Ellen Ensher

What does twerking have to do with a service learning project that emphasizes learning about organizational behavior and human resource management at a Jesuit University? In case you missed this…

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what media teaches about managment

What Media teaches us about Management

627 472 Ellen Ensher

I think there is tremendous value in using media to explicate concepts in management. Viewers today are very sophisticated and used to seeing a lot of production value so most…

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mark cuban shark tank mentor

Mentoring Archetypes: Who’s Your Favorite?

150 150 Ellen Ensher

ABC’s Shark Tank has become one of my favorite shows on television. It is addicting to watch this show and root for the underdog and hope that various products get…

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Mentoring and the Karate Kid

150 150 Ellen Ensher

Everybody learns in different ways. Some of us are more auditory, or visual or kinesthetic. I love to use media clips to demonstrate learning points. I find it is a…

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Inspirational Mentors: Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook

150 150 Ellen Ensher

Ideally, our mentors serve as positive role models for us in addition to giving us career and emotional support. However, I want to introduce the idea of inspirational mentors to…

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SHARE Your Talents: Why does community based learning matter anyway?

150 150 Ellen Ensher

It’s Fall. For those of us on a Los Angeles university campus, this means midterm exams, switching over from sandals to boots, conference paper deadlines, end-of-the year goals to accomplish,…

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Why Mentoring Relationships Can Fail or Succeed

150 150 Ellen Ensher

It is almost midterm exam season again so I have being thinking a lot about success strategies and failure. In particular, why do mentoring relationships fail or succeed? I think…

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Guest Blog for Career CoPilot

150 150 Ellen Ensher

Many thanks to Dan Keller of for graciously allowing me to guest post. This is a great site full of terrific career advice – I hope you enjoy my…

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Organizational behavior Olympics

If the Olympic Village Had a House Mom…

800 426 Ellen Ensher

The 2012 Olympics are playing out in London and the results thus far have been thrilling. As an audience we are given in-depth access the athletes and their extraordinary back…

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epic meal time

Webisodes: The Mentoring Programs Start-Ups of the Entertainment World

528 293 Ellen Ensher

In the corporate world organizational structure is a mapped out and mentoring programs are a thing. Employees are broken up into departments and assigned specialist functions. From the CEO to…

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