The Do’s and Don’ts of Online Class: A Series – Do Mute Yourself Before Having a Conversation

607 799 Ellen Ensher
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There’s no telling what your roommate, your mom or your pet will decide to do while you’re in class. There will be times when all your good intentions to create a quiet space for class become disrupted. It happens. You can’t control everything!

What you can control, however, is your microphone. It’s best to just remain muted. When asking a question or participating, unmute yourself for as long as you need, and then remember to mute again.

We all understand that mistakes happen. So if you do accidentally share a little too much with the class (i.e. a loud brawl with your brother), simply apologize, mute yourself, and try to keep it from happening again.

Follow me on TikTok at @ellen.ensher and get even more tips from me here.