Claire Garrison – Blog Post #2

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Claire Garrison

Dr. Ensher

MGMT 3670

24 April 2017

Blog Post #2

So here is how it normally goes. The dreaded alarm goes off, and I pull myself out of bed. I drag myself downstairs for my regular cup of coffee and my daily dose of The Elephant Journal to get my morning started; because what is a morning without the kind reminder to stay grounded and be mindful? This helps shape a healthy lifestyle, as well as prepares myself for the day with diet tips, spiritual advice, and yoga practices.I will also quickly go check MindBodyGreen, as it gives similar tips, tricks, and advice as The Elephant Journal, but provides an alternate perspective. I use these in the morning to stay centered and bring out the best in myself so I can face my day with my best foot forward.

At lunch, I like to use my ABC news app, to scroll through aimlessly, just to stay up to date on current news and trends within our world, especially with the political situation our country is experiencing. It important to be well informed of important happenings, as we are in a constantly changing world.

And lastly, at night once I get home from work, I will read the newspaper from that morning, to be informed of not only global, but also local, news. I also scroll through Project Eve, an inspirational platform made for women, by women. This provides job advice, news regarding women and their stories, as well as connection opportunities. This adds that reminder of how important “girl power” is and how important it is to come together, to fight as united women!

So, this isn’t what happens…yet. Though I don’t have a daily routine of staying informed now, I plan to in the future. Currently I use facebook, and I hope to break that habit and replace it with something more reliable and real, like the resources I just mentioned. I find importance and meaning in each, and it will be extremely worthwhile to exploit these resources.